Jeffrey Epstein victim sues psychiatrist Henry Jarecki for alleged rape, sex trafficking

A woman who says she was a sexual abuse victim of Jeffrey Epstein filed a lawsuit Monday against the famed psychiatrist, entrepreneur and commodities trader Henry…

Bank of America CEO says U.S. consumers and businesses have turned cautious on spending

U.S. consumers and businesses alike have turned cautious about spending this year because of elevated inflation and interest rates, according…

Wall Street ponders what happens to booming private credit market when you-know-what hits the fan

The explosion of private credit has been met with a whole host of concerns, but among the louder ones more…

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon says can’t rule out ‘hard landing’ for the U.S., stagflation will be ‘worst outcome’

JPMorgan Chase‘s chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon, says a “hard landing” for the U.S. cannot be ruled out. When asked…

Jamie Dimon says JPMorgan stock is too expensive: ‘We’re not going to buy back a lot’

Jamie Dimon thinks shares of JPMorgan Chase are expensive. That was the message the bank’s longtime CEO gave analysts Monday…

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon signals retirement is closer than ever

Jamie Dimon’s days as CEO of JPMorgan Chase are numbered — though it is unclear by how much. In a…

British neobank Monzo boosts funding round to $610 million to crack U.S. market, launch pensions

British neobank Monzo said Wednesday that it’s raised another $190 million, lifting the total it’s raised so far this year…

Berkshire Hathaway’s big mystery stock wager could be revealed soon

Berkshire Hathaway, led by legendary investor Warren Buffett, has been making a confidential wager on the financial industry since the…

JPMorgan Chase is caught in U.S-Russia sanctions war after overseas court orders $440 million seized from bank

A Russian court sided with state-run lender VTB Bank in its efforts to recoup $439.5 million from JPMorgan Chase that…