Zaprite Review: Helping Businesses Migrate To A Bitcoin Standard

Zaprite Review: Helping Businesses Migrate To A Bitcoin Standard

Zaprite is a bitcoin payments platform that aims to help businesses migrate to a bitcoin standard. Let’s take a closer look at the service and the startup’s vision.

The software is deliberately designed to be highly configurable and committed to facilitating payments without handling the money itself., Ease of use and self-custody are at the center of Zaprite’s principles.


What Are Zaprite’s Core Principles?

There are two main principles at the heart of the software.

The first is self-custody. Zaprite is committed to the Bitcoin ethos of self-sovereignty and peer-to-peer payments.

It doesn’t hold any money at any point in the transaction process.

Instead, it operates as the piping between users in order to facilitate their transactions.

This also allows it to operate globally, making it usable all over the world with only an email address necessary to sign up.

The second is ease of use. Zaprite aims to be as simple as possible whilst affording users maximal functionality.

Everything is designed to be configurable, so users with different needs can use the software in whichever way suits them best.

There are yet more features on the roadmap, and with each new feature, there will be new functionality.

What Are Zaprite’s Key Features?


Zaprite’s core functionality is its connections.

This is what allows users to receive payments through a multitude of wallets and providers.


Zaprite is wallet-agnostic. It doesn’t mind what wallet you’re trying to connect with; it aims to provide the connection.

In this way, Zaprite offers users the freedom to accept bitcoin payments in whichever way suits them best.

Configurable Checkout and Customized Branding

The checkout section keeps track of the connections you want active when you get paid with bitcoin.

This can be configured on each individual invoice or can be preset in the checkout tab and saved for all future invoices.


You can, of course, save a preset and then adjust those on individual invoices in the future. Zaprite is designed to be as customizable as possible.

Zaprite also has branding options in the settings tab, allowing your invoices to be personalized with your business’s name, color and logo.


Task Management

Zaprite is aimed at everyone, from freelancers and contractors to small and large businesses.

However, the initial idea was to build a platform that enabled freelancers who were getting paid in bitcoin to invoice their employers as easily as possible.

The task management feature is a great tool for freelancers/contractors who are working large jobs over weeks or months and want to split them up into tasks that they can individually keep track of and invoice for.

This is an optional feature that supports Zaprite’s goal of being as easy to use and configurable as possible in order to suit as many different needs as its users could have.

Transaction Records

Zaprite also works as a bookkeeping service.

The transaction tab keeps a record of the users’ invoices once they’ve been paid, showing the fiat value as well as the BTC value of the payments, along with the conversion rate that was used at the time of payment.

Transactions are also timestamped, allowing users to keep an accurate record of all their previous invoices.

In the future, Zaprite is planning to expand this section, adding analytics to track the performance of the bitcoin received in relation to fiat.

Transaction receipts include all relevant information such as the fiat value, BTC value, fiat-BTC conversion rate, a timestamp, and the recipient

Email Notifications

Zaprite provides all the relevant information at every stage of the invoicing process.

Whether you’re requesting, sending, or receiving payment, Zaprite sends email notifications with all the information you need pertaining to the invoice.

The payer receives an email notification detailing the payment request:
The payer then receives an email notification with a receipt of their successful payment:
The user then receives an email notification informing them that the invoice has been paid.

In this way, every step of the process is documented with all the necessary details.

Ease of use isn’t the only priority of Zaprite; accessibility of information is another key principle that users benefit from.

In Summary

Zaprite is a great tool for people who want to pay or be paid in bitcoin.

Its configurable nature makes it perfect for a variety of people, each with their individual needs, and users who vary from freelancers to small businesses will be able to customize it to suit them.

The task management section is a great example of an optional feature that could be a massive benefit to freelancers or contractors who want to break larger jobs into smaller tasks and invoice them individually.

Information is provided at every step of the way for both payers and payees, as well as being stored on the transactions tab, making it a great bookkeeping service as well as an invoicing one.

The fact that there’s no KYC and self-custody is maintained, with Zaprite never touching any of the transferred funds, means Bitcoiners can use this software whilst maintaining their commitment to the Bitcoin ethos.

In short, Zaprite is perfect for the Bitcoin era.

As more people start to work in the Bitcoin space and get paid in BTC, more businesses will find themselves using Zaprite to facilitate those demands.

There’s never been a better piece of software for helping employers and employees alike migrate to the Bitcoin standard.


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