World making ‘huge mistake’ not funding new tuberculosis vaccines: Gates

World making ‘huge mistake’ not funding new tuberculosis vaccines: Gates

A lack of funding could
delay late-stage trials of the first new vaccine against
tuberculosis for more than a century, Bill Gates has warned, whose
foundation is backing the development of the shot.

The Microsoft co-founder turned philanthropist said there
were a raft of promising innovations in the fight against TB,
the world’s biggest infectious disease killer, but that more
funding was essential.

“The failure to fund these things… like we can’t go full
speed ahead on these vaccine trials – that’s a huge mistake,” he said on Monday.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest funder
of the battle against TB, he said, and the work on the M72/AS01
vaccine, originally developed by GSK and the
Gates-backed non-profit Aeras, is now being led by the Bill and
Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute.

Gates said a plan for phase III trials for the vaccine would
likely be announced later this year. But he called on
governments and other philanthropists to step up to help fund
the trials, as well as other TB innovations.

He estimated that the vaccine trial would cost $700-800m to
“prove it out”.

“So even though we’ll be a big funder of that, we also need
partners to come in and do that with us,” he said, adding that
vaccine development has a high risk of failure so needs real
commitment from funders.

Tuberculosis once again surpasses Covid as biggest infectious killer

TB claims more lives than HIV and malaria combined, with 1.6M deaths annually. Most are in low- and middle-income countries, where access to diagnostics and treatment is limited. But new innovations give hope that detecting, treating, and preventing TB can be transformed! #EndTB

Killer disease

Tools to fight TB, like the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)
vaccine, are imperfect, but there is “hopeful” innovation in
vaccines like M72, simpler treatment regimens, and easier-to-deploy diagnostic tests, said Gates.

There is also a United Nations high-level meeting on TB due
in September, but Gates said he feared it may not happen due to
other global priorities.

“Even if they do it, it won’t get much visibility,” he said.

“It’s always challenging when there’s so many budget priorities.
But the world has made a huge mistake not investing more in

TB, a bacterial disease that mostly affects the lungs, is preventable and treatable, but 10 million people still catch it annually, and 1.6 million people died from TB in 2021, almost entirely in low and middle-income countries. 

It has long been the world’s deadliest infectious disease, although it was briefly overtaken by Covid-19.

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