Will Monero Fall Down?⬇️

Will Monero Fall Down?⬇️


When examining the 8-hour chart of ETHUSD, it is observed that price movements continue within a downward sloping wedge pattern. It is evaluated that as long as the level of 1748 is not breached, in case of price movements below the level of 1663, it could break below the level of 1552 and potentially decrease as far as the level of 1318.


When examining the daily chart of XMRUSDT, it is observed that price movements continue below the trendline. It is evaluated that as long as the level of 158 is not breached, in case of price movements below the level of 148, it could break below the level of 135 and potentially get down as far as the level of 112.


When examining the daily chart of DAIUSDT, it is observed that price movements continue within an expanding trend. It is considered that in case of price movements below the level of 0.97598, it could pull back as far as the level of 0.84859. However, if price movements remain above the level of 1.01895, it is evaluated that it could aim for the level of 1.12358.


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