Web3 Companies Create Universal Privacy Alliance To Safeguard Digital Privacy Rights

Last updated: December 12, 2023 02:33 EST
. 1 min read

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Nym, Protocol Labs, the Filecoin Foundation, Oasis, Aztec, and various other entities are part of the Universal Privacy Alliance (UPA). The alliance, with an initial fund of $150,000, is committed to influencing digital privacy policy and regulatory decisions, as stated in an official announcement.Nym, Protocol Labs, the Filecoin Foundation, Oasis, Aztec, and various other entities are part of the Universal Privacy Alliance (UPA). The alliance, with an initial fund of $150,000, is committed to influencing digital privacy policy and regulatory decisions, as stated in an official announcement.
Source: Pixabay

A coalition of web3 companies have established the “Universal Privacy Alliance” with the aim of safeguarding digital privacy rights.

Nym, Protocol Labs, the Filecoin Foundation, Oasis, Aztec, and various other entities are part of the Universal Privacy Alliance (UPA). The alliance, with an initial fund of $150,000, is committed to influencing digital privacy policy and regulatory decisions, as stated in an official announcement.

“Privacy is just as important online as offline, yet many of today’s dominant internet platforms prioritize surveillance and data collection over people’s basic rights and as the digital landscape expands, the need for accessible and secure privacy technologies becomes imperative,” Nym CEO Harry Halpin said. “The Universal Privacy Alliance gives those of us building privacy-centric technologies a unified voice to advocate for policy reforms that protect security, anonymity and informed consent on the internet.”

The association is based in Switzerland and aligns with a call to action made by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden during the ZK-House event in Bogota, where Snowden reiterated the United Nations’ recognition of digital privacy as a fundamental human right.

The UPA will champion technology that inherently prioritizes user privacy and security, the alliance noted. By embracing a “privacy by design” principle, the alliance seeks to guarantee that digital interactions are not only secure but also safeguarded against unwarranted surveillance or commercial exploitation.

The UPA will initially target the EU’s eIDAS and Digital Services Act, addressing concerns about their impact on end-to-end encryption.

Additional plans involve appointing a coordinator to spearhead lobbying initiatives, organizing significant events at key blockchain conferences such as EthDenver, and creating a legal fund to bolster privacy-centric practices.

The alliance will also explore the possibility of adding smaller organizations through membership fees, which will be voted on by its general assembly.

“Our formalization as the Unified Privacy Alliance signifies our joint commitment to championing privacy rights in an increasingly digitized world,” UPA founding member Will Scott added. “With a united voice, we aim to educate policymakers, empower smaller organizations and advocate for user-centric privacy practices in technology.”

Every founding member has contributed an initial amount of  $15,000 to the UPA, resulting in a combined fund of $150,000 dedicated to immediate advocacy efforts. The alliance anticipates additional funding in the coming months.


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