Personal finance

Use this 401(k) investing strategy to calm your market jitters

Investors who are skittish about the ups and downs of the stock market can borrow an easy 401(k) investment strategy…

Time is running out to repay Covid-era 401(k), IRA withdrawals — and claim a tax refund

Retirement savers who withdrew money from their accounts in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic may have just days…

Here are ways retirees can protect nest eggs during a stock market rout

The federal debt-ceiling standoff and the specter of a possible recession on the horizon may mean turbulent times ahead for…

Thanks to vesting schedules, it can take up to 6 years for workers to own their 401(k) match

A 401(k) match from an employer is often referred to as “free” money, and therefore one of the best ways…

The ‘great resignation’ — a trend that defined the pandemic-era labor market — seems to be over

During the past year, the rate at which Americans quit their jobs has steadily declined from a record high back…

Here’s the inflation breakdown for April 2023, in one chart

Inflation in April notched its lowest reading in two years, as price pressures for consumers continue to moderate from multidecade…

Why missing one $2 expense could derail your whole national park trip

National park tourism is booming. But an idyllic adventure into the great outdoors can be derailed by overlooking an important…

Summer travel: How to save during a busy, expensive season

The following is an excerpt from “This week, your wallet,” a weekly audio show on Twitter produced by CNBC’s Personal…

Mastering this skill is the ‘hardest part’ of personal finance, advisors say

The following is an excerpt from “This week, your wallet,” a weekly audio show on Twitter produced by CNBC’s Personal…

31% of new crypto buyers influenced by friends. Here’s why that can be ‘a horrible idea,’ advisor says

When it comes to cryptocurrency like bitcoin, new investors are often motivated by friends to take the plunge, according to…