Campaign finance

Why the U.S. elects so many older politicians

President Joe Biden, age 81, ended his 2024 reelection bid as concern for his vitality mounted within the Democratic Party.…

VP Kamala Harris and Democratic donors discuss ‘urgent, emerging needs’ in the race, with Biden campaign in crisis

Vice President Kamala Harris joined a call with major Democratic donors Friday afternoon to discuss what the hosts called “urgent,…

Crypto industry super PAC is 33-2 in primaries, with $100 million for House, Senate races

WASHINGTON — A super PAC bankrolled by top cryptocurrency companies notched several wins Tuesday night in congressional primaries, the latest…

How Donald Trump’s criminal conviction boosted his campaign fundraising machine

Throughout his 2024 campaign, former President Donald Trump has managed to keep his political operation afloat by walking a delicate…

Why the Trump campaign never fundraised off the Hunter Biden trial

Former President Donald Trump has spent years attacking Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s only surviving son, and raising campaign cash…

Host of Trump fundraiser made racist comments in the workplace, former employee says in settled lawsuit

Former President Donald Trump will be hosted at a fundraiser Saturday by a construction equipment magnate who was accused in…

Trump campaign and RNC say they raised $141 million in May

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee announced Monday that the two entities together raised $141 million…

Here are the perks Trump’s top donors would receive during the Republican National Convention

Former President Donald Trump’s top donors are to be rewarded for supporting him while they attend the Republican National Convention…

‘Almost impossible’: Inside Biden’s uphill battle to win the backing of key anti-Trump Republicans

Allies of President Joe Biden are ramping up a charm offensive aimed at getting high-profile Republicans and donors who won’t…

Haley campaign started election year with $14 million, after raising $17 million last quarter

Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley’s campaign for president raised more than $17 million last quarter and came into the…