Rich Dad Poor Dad: Government Will Seize All Cryptocurrencies

Rich Dad Poor Dad: Government Will Seize All Cryptocurrencies

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki has caused a bit of a stir with a gloomy series of tweets to his 1.5 million followers. One said: “We are in the biggest bubble in world history. Bubbles in stocks, real estate, commodities & oil … Future? possible depression with hyperinflation.”

Is Robert and insider and knows more about upcoming regulation than us?

Kiyosaki co-authored the now-famous book with Sharon Lechter in 1997. After over six years on the New York Times Best Seller List, more than 32 million copies have been sold. It’s translated into 52 languages and sold in at least 110 countries.

His plan B is to be an entrepreneur. He advises to stay out of the stock market, create your own assets and use debt as dollars. He’s critical of the Biden regime in Washington, blaming them and the Federal Reserve for high inflation and destroying the U.S. dollar.

Perhaps his most contentious recent message was that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies would all be seized by the government and “folded into government crypto”.

Kiyosaki’s crypto prediction has been heavily criticized in the crypto community and elsewhere. He’s been supportive of bitcoin for some time now and this change of heart may signify a growing awareness of things that are changing behind the scenes.

Tyranny is rearing its ugly head again⁠—this time in the West. If experts like Kiyosaki are expressing fears of outright theft of people’s money we should not dismiss it out of hand because of irrelevant party loyalties. Both left and right have their burden of authoritarians, and both sides are equally dangerous.

The Best Possible Investment Is…

Something that Kiyosaki is not taking into account is the meaning of the rise of bitcoin. It’s easy to see tyranny because we’ve seen it before. What’s harder to see is the vision of freedom that bitcoin brings us closer to. Fear tempts us to dismiss the very things that could free us! It’s been this way since we began civilization and we still haven’t figured out how to do that properly.

The solution is to stop fearing the control freaks. If enough people are using bitcoin there’s nothing they can do. We may in fact have already reached “enough”. Invest in a future without tyranny.

TIP: if you have a bit of time, go ahead and watch the interview between Saifedean Ammous and Robert Kiyosaki. But be warned, you might feel very embarrassed for Robert.

The views expressed in this article are entirely of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of BitcoinNews.


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