Review: The Great Reset and the Rise of Bitcoin

Review: The Great Reset and the Rise of Bitcoin

New indie documentary is getting close to one million views on Youtube. The Great Reset and the Rise of Bitcoin is the title of a newly released film that reveals the sinister mechanism of central banking. sat down with producer and director Pierre Corbin for an interview:

The thought-provoking debut by director Pierre Corbin is now climbing up in the charts of most watched bitcoin documentaries. The film is winning awards as well as the hearts and minds of bitcoin fans worldwide. Independently produced, the documentary premiered in January 2022 and was released on YouTube free to watch.

The story begins on a rather shocking note. The debt cycles present in our economy have set an irreversible mechanism in motion. While our leaders try to fight the symptoms by increasing debt and expanding the monetary supply, the economy is losing its heartbeat: productivity.

As we are nearing the end of a cycle, a major shift in our economy is almost inevitable. The narrator, director Pierre Corbin himself, can bank on his vast knowledge and understanding from his background in finance and consulting. He almost bombards the viewer with logic, hard facts, and mindboggling insights. The story is powerful because it is incredibly fact driven and information dense.

High signal, low noise, soft arguments, or emotional moments aren’t part of the narrative.

We’ve woken up, we can’t continue like this forever. And just like that, the stage is set for the advent of Bitcoin. A new monetary paradigm is slowly emerging. As it is a decentralized, censorship-resistant, and scarce digital money, it could become a safe haven from the uncertainty in our economy.

The film requires more patience and intelligence than your average documentary. But it comes with a reward. The high density and overwhelming substance make it very useful for a certain audience. People in finance, business, academia, science, and investing. For people who prefer a rational and fact driven approach to solving problems, “The Great Reset and the Rise of Bitcoin” presents a valuable resource. With its 1 hour length, swallowing the orange pill can be as quick as 60 minutes.

Producing indie documentary films is not a walk in the park. Besides the production, which by itself is already quite a respectable achievement, the distribution and marketing of the film are even bigger tasks. Indie producers must do everything on their own to get their film in front of audiences because they lack a large budget and marketing power.

Hanging up a poster on your grandmother’s street, doesn’t cut it. It’s years of touring, organizing screenings, applying for awards, talking to partners, and executing a complex digital marketing strategy.

The good thing is, that the film is the official winner of the Best Documentary Feature and Best Indie Feature of the Oniros Film Awards. And also, there is not much that can go wrong when you do something for Bitcoin and the Bitcoin community. Producing a documentary film is without a doubt among the most valuable contributions one can provide to help educate about Bitcoin. “As soon as I talk about my film, people are excited.” explains Pierre in the interview with BitcoinNews.

In our eyes, the film is thought provoking and sparks controversy, but it’s a perfect orange pill that could be ‘life-changing’ for many people that get exposed to the ideas for the first time.

We wish Pierre the best of success further on and are excited about future productions.

Watch “The Great Reset and The Rise of Bitcoin” for free on YouTube:


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