Meta Masters Guild Building on Hype as it Races Towards First Game Launch

Meta Masters Guild Building on Hype as it Races Towards First Game Launch

Meta Masters Guild Building on Hype as it Races Towards First Game Launch

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that is not part of editorial content.

Although there are numerous Web3 gaming options available in the cryptocurrency market, only a few provide a comprehensive experience that is crucial for gaining popularity and drawing in a larger user base. However, Meta Masters Guild is excelling in this area by integrating the top features of typical P2E projects while also introducing its own innovations and technological advancements.

Meta Masters Guild has just launched its staking facility and is making progress toward releasing its first game. To learn more about the project’s latest features and overall vision, continue reading.

A Web3 Gaming Guild That is Comprehensive

Meta Masters Guild is a Web3 platform guild that specializes in mobile gaming. The guild functions as a hub where players can gather and partake in a variety of games while also taking advantage of the rewards provided by the ecosystem.

Among its numerous features, the guild allows users to earn gems by playing games, convert them into MEMAG tokens, acquire NFTs from its store through purchases or competitions, stake both tokens and NFTs to generate yields, and exchange MEMAG tokens for other cryptocurrencies like ETH and USDT. Furthermore, collectors have the ability to construct their own collections and generate income with NFTs.

Meta Masters Guild is already making significant headway in terms of user growth, buoyed by a great set of features, which we describe below. The fact that users can also win up to $100,000 in MEMAG tokens in a giveaway also contributes greatly to this quick growth.

Besides Staking, What Does the Meta Masters Offer?

The aim of the Meta Masters is to create a platform that caters to Web3 enthusiasts and serves as a hub for mobile-focused gaming. As the world’s first Web3 gaming guild, its mission is to construct top-notch mobile games that integrate blockchain technology, resulting in a decentralized gaming ecosystem that enables members to earn rewards for their contributions to the ecosystem in a sustainable manner.

Among the features that Meta Masters Guild has to offer are: 

  • The ability to play games to win gems 
  • Exchanging those gems for MEMAG tokens 
  • Winning or buying NFTs from a store 
  • Staking tokens and NFTs to earn yields 
  • Exchanging MEMAG for other tokens like ETH and USDT

These features are founded upon four core principles: prioritizing fun, empowering players to fully own their assets, community involvement in driving game development, and integrating play-to-earn mechanics.

In simpler terms, the goal is to create games that are enjoyable, irrespective of whether they incorporate blockchain or tokenization features. They strive for players to have complete ownership of their assets, ensuring that they are entirely tradeable. As a result, the community will play a significant role in the decision-making process that directs game development.

Moreover, the Meta Masters Guild aims to provide a Play and Earn platform, rather than a Play-to-Earn platform, which emphasizes the importance of sustainable earning mechanics. This stands in contrast to the commonly discussed idea of P2E.

It is worth going over the staking feature, which was recently launched. It has been very successful, with over 10 million staked in just 2 hours. There are 3 time periods for staking: 7-day, 30-day, and 90-day. The APRs are respectively 75%, 7.5%, and 15%.

Game Launches Around the Corner

Without games, everything else is irrelevant, but Meta Masters Guild is on the right track in this aspect. The team has indicated that Meta Karts Racers, the guild’s debut game, is set to release a fully playable lite version in June or July, with the community providing feedback that will be integrated into the game.

Gamearound, a UK-based company, is developing Meta Karts Racers, a racing game that is currently in its second phase of the planned five sprints of development. This PvP game is specifically designed for mobile devices, where players compete against each other in the fiercely competitive Meta Kart Championship while trying to evade the ominous Meta overlords. Successful players will earn gems, which can be exchanged for MEMAG tokens.

Other games that are in the works are Meta Masters World and Raid NFT. These are two very different games, but look just as promising, if not more than Meta Kart Racers. The first is a metaverse that will offer multiple activities. The game is still in the early stages of development, but there will be more news as the year moves along.

Raid NFT is a turn-based fighting game that will offer both single-player and multiple game modes. It is still in the design phase of development.

Staking and Imminent Game Launch Stirs Community

Meta Masters Guild has the potential to bring about significant changes to the P2E and Web3 arena, making it a unique platform. The numerous high-quality games currently in the development pipeline demonstrate its potential. 

With several exciting developments planned for 2023, it is worth exploring the ecosystem to discover what it has to offer. Until then, users should look at staking, which is quickly becoming the main feature of the platform – at least until the games come out.

Check Out Meta Masters Guild



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