Koy Network Increases Reach Across The Continent

Koy Network Increases Reach Across The Continent

Koy Network Increases Reach Across The Continent

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that is not part of Cryptonews.com editorial content.

Image credit: Koy Network.

The Koy Network is making revolutionary moves in the financial services industry in Africa, with a blockchain-based platform for remittance and financial services. These key developments are setting Koy Network apart from the competition, enabling efficient, secure, and low-cost transactions for Africans everywhere. Targeting an area typically underserved by traditional banking services, Koy Network is providing much-needed operating systems moving us toward a collective future.

The Koy Network was named for the colorful woven kikoy cloth of Kenya, representing the transformation of the economic and digital fabric of African life. The Koy Network is positioning itself to accelerate financial inclusion, by lowering the barriers to entry for payments service providers, that have been priced out of available turnkey solutions.

Richard Erikodi, CEO of Koy Network, stated that the company leverages its contextual knowledge, deep domain expertise, proprietary platforms, vast partner ecosystem, and future-ready talent pool, to help enhance its digital capacity across the continent.

The Koy Network vision is set on a comprehensive approach to innovative development, and shall span the following areas:

Integrating WEB3 technologies into financial services like Payments as a Service (PAAS) and Remittances as a Service (RAAS), will help small businesses thrive. Leveraging blockchain and decentralized technologies will help facilitate a global reach with faster transactions and more working capital available.

Lowering the barrier to accessing financial tools is raising up small businesses across Africa, and it is a strategy Koy Network will use to lift up companies worldwide. The intention set in Africa, has already accomplished an astonishingly substantial result.

57% of Africans are unbanked, and Koy Network will draw them toward a more beneficial future by providing them with the resources they need. Overall, businesses, investors, and governments, can all benefit from the services Koy Network provides, and with a win-win-win strategy, we are sure to see expansion soon.

Douglas Horn, CTO of Koy Network, stated that the close partnerships Koy Network is actively building with the African governments at state and national levels, is truly unique. Other blockchain projects fear government regulation or accept collaborations begrudgingly, but Koy Network takes a different approach. They position themselves where their work benefits all parties involved, therefore creating an atmosphere destined for success. By scaling this approach, Koy Network aims to bypass entrenched banking and financial services systems already in place, providing access to financial tools and resources to more Africans than ever.

Koy Network is tackling obstacles that cripple many crypto projects. Many have no revenue model that brings outside money beyond the token itself, and the token’s only intended purpose is to raise startup funds. Koy Network has gone far beyond that with the KOYN token, intended to solve a clear and present problem of liquidity inefficiency. This purpose is most beneficial in financial climates operating with more than three or four main currencies. The expected expansion of Koy Network will inevitably focus on helping territories falling under those parameters first.

There is a fixed supply of 1 Billion KOYN at this time. Use fees are aimed at under 1%, priming the company to generate income while increasing economic activity across the continent. No inflation is necessary to operate and grow the system, since there is outside income supporting the token from the start of its implementation. KOYN is not just another cryptocurrency. It is an innovative option working to eliminate all the shortcomings holding back other crypto tokens, and governments in Africa and elsewhere are taking notice.

Soon, Koy Network will be running in more areas, increasing options for people. Enhanced accessibility to financial resources is making a global impact, and the potential for unprecedented improvements is limitless. We look forward to seeing Koy Network’s future developments and expected expansion so more people can benefit from those services.


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