India’s IEEE Taps Avalanche Blockchain for Issuance of Tamper-Proof Certificates

Last updated: December 6, 2023 00:15 EST
. 2 min read

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Source: Pixabay

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has partnered with Avalanche Blockchain to issue immutable certificates for educational milestones in India.

Utilizing blockchain technology, particularly Avalanche, ensures the certificates are tamper-proof and reflects the adoption of blockchain for securing and verifying academic or professional milestones.

According to a December 6 report by Cointelegraph, India holds the second-largest membership base for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) outside the United States, with over 75,000 members.

To enhance the verification process for its extensive trainee and user base, IEEE will issue tamper-proof, instant, and secure certificates using blockchain technology.

Devika Mittal, head of Avalanche’s India arm, underscored Avalanche’s EVM compatibility as a facilitator for deploying widely used applications such as credential registries and identity management.

She also highlighted the preference of esteemed institutions like SK Planet and JPMorgan Onyx for Avalanche, emphasizing the importance of selecting a blockchain solution based on its ability to ensure immutability, longevity, and security.

These blockchain certificates will be managed through LegitDoc, a credential lifecycle management system developed by Zupple Labs and deployed on Avalanche’s C-Chain.

Neil Martis, co-founder of Zupple, also emphasized the growing willingness of the Indian public sector to implement comprehensive blockchain projects. The choice of Avalanche’s C-Chain as the primary settlement layer is attributed to its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Martis expressed openness to exploring new platforms as additional parallel settlement layers as suitable technology emerges.

Deep Dive: Blockchain & Education as a Powerful Duo

Blockchain technology has significantly impacted education, enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency.

An exemplary use case is the creation of blockchain-based certificates for skills and achievements, a feat accomplished by IEEE through the Avalanche ecosystem.

Unlike traditional paper certificates, which are susceptible to fraud and can be cumbersome to verify, blockchain allows educational institutions to issue digital certificates that are tamper-proof and easily verifiable. This mitigates the risks associated with credential fraud.

Blockchain ensures that certificates are securely stored on a decentralized ledger, creating a transparent and immutable record of individuals’ academic and professional achievements.

This simplifies the verification process for employers and educational institutions and empowers individuals by granting them ownership of their credentials.

Furthermore, using blockchain for certificates opens up possibilities for a decentralized and interoperable education ecosystem. It facilitates the seamless transfer of credentials across institutions and international borders.

As technology advances, the potential for widespread adoption by more educational institutions becomes achievable.

This paradigm shift may usher in the establishment of decentralized education networks, granting learners control over their records and fostering a more inclusive global education system.


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