- africa
- brand safety-nsf crime
- brand safety-nsf death
- brand safety-nsf discrimination
- brand safety-nsf other
- brand safety-nsf sensitive
- brand safety-nsf severe
- brand safety-nsf war and military
- business figures
- civil disobedience
- conflicts and war
- continents and regions
- corrections system
- Crime
- death and dying
- death in custody
- deaths and fatalities
- discrimination
- domestic alerts
- domestic-international news
- europe
- fatma samoura
- fifa
- fifa women's world cup
- fifa world cup
- football (soccer)
- gender equality
- george floyd
- george floyd protests
- iab-bereavement
- iab-crime
- iab-family and relationships
- iab-soccer
- iab-sports
- jennifer hermoso
- law enforcement and corrections
- misc people
- protests and demonstrations
- racism and racial discrimination
- sex and gender
- soccer events
- societal issues
- society
- southern europe
- spain
- sports and recreation
- sports events
- sports figures
- sports organizations and teams
- unrest
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