Earn $100 For Bitcoin Articles And Cartoons

Earn $100 For Bitcoin Articles And Cartoons

Wasabi Wallet, the privacy enhancing bitcoin software wallet has launched the ‘Wasabi Wallet contribution games’ and rewards articles and comics with $100 paid in Bitcoin.

“Stack sats for doing what you love, contribution games have always been an integral part of Wasabi Wallet. Since its inception, individuals have been rewarded for facilitating the software’s development via content creation, software testing or technical support.” reads the announcement on the Wasabi website.

Wasabi is inviting bitcoin enthusiasts with a strength for writing to become contributors and submit articles. This way, writers can earn Satoshis and earn a small income on the side. Not a bad idea during times of high inflation.

So what exactly is the blog writing contribution game and how can you receive $100 in Bitcoin?

Contributors are encouraged to submit as many entries under the given prompt for the $100 bounty paid in Bitcoin. Once work was submitted, it will be reviewed. If the quality of the article is on par with the level of writing expected, the author will be rewarded and the article will be published on the Wasabi blog.

But it doesn’t stop here. Multiple entries are allowed and every winner can stack even more sats if they want to continue writing and submitting articles.

How to participate?

For the current competition, the task is to write articles on bitcoin privacy best practices. The prompt is ‘Bitcoin Privacy Best Practices’. To submit, simply send a google doc link (open to comment) with at least 500 words to [email protected]

If writing is not your thing, Wasabi still has an opportunity for you. Other contribution games await in the categories, art & design, software testing and customer support.

Political Cartoon Contribution Game
The Cartoonist contribution game invites all political cartoonists to create and submit bitcoin and privacy images for a $100 prize. Nothing is off limits but quality art and pertinent substance material are expected.

Like the blog contribution game, multiple submissions are welcomed. Send your submissions to [email protected] to be considered.

Software Testing Contribution Game
There can never be enough people testing our software. More information on how you can contribute to Wasabi Wallet’s software development can be found on Wasabi’s contribution page.

Support Contribution Game
People wanting to learn about Wasabi Wallet and offer technical support on various platforms can join Wasabi Wallet’s support team. However, they must first go through an orientation process where they learn about the inner workings of Wasabi Wallet.

Candidates will then be left on their own to determine how well they can individually offer support to Wasabi users with the possibility of officially joining the Wasabi Wallet 2.0 Support Team.


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