Colorado Buffaloes head coach Deion Sanders meets team mascot and gets quite the surprise

Colorado Buffaloes head coach Deion Sanders meets team mascot and gets quite the surprise


When football Hall of Famer Deion Sanders agreed to become head coach of the Colorado Buffaloes, he probably never thought he’d be asked to stand in the way of an actual charging buffalo.

But that’s what happened when Sanders went to meet the team’s mascot – Ralphie – for the first time.

In a video released on social media by the Division 1 college team, Sanders can be seen being guided into Ralphie’s trailer and meeting the buffalo.

It’s safe to say that Sanders did not feel entirely comfortable with the company.

“You see I’m easing back,” he said as he hesitated at the door.

‘Prime Time’ was then encouraged to feed his new friend, donning a glove and being given a tutorial on how to keep his fingers safe.

“Lord, that tongue is like a brick,” Sanders exclaimed as the buffalo ate from his hand.

Sanders was drafted as a first-rounder in 1989 by the Atlanta Falcons out of Florida State and played in the NFL for 14 seasons with several franchises. He won two Super Bowls with the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame and College Football Hall of Fame in 2011.

He also played for five different Major League Baseball teams in 11 years and is the first athlete to have competed in a Super Bowl and a World Series.

But despite playing on the world stage on more than one occasion, his nerves were truly tested when Ralphie’s handlers sprung a surprise.

Ralphie was taken out of the trailer before being encouraged to run back inside, where a rather nervous looking Sanders was waiting.

“Oh no, I’m not staying in here while this thing is coming at me at full speed,” he shouted, before realizing it was too late to get out in time.

Incredibly, Ralphie stopped her charge just in front of Sanders, as planned, before the head coach admitted that the whole experience had been somewhat “intimidating.”

However, mascot meetings don’t always go to plan.

In 2019, ahead of the Texas Longhorns’ game against the Georgia Bulldogs in the Sugar Bowl, the team mascots – Bevo and Uga – were to have a heartwarming encounter.

But, this time, Bevo XV – the giant longhorn steer – was not keen on a friendly exchange with the much smaller bulldog and charged at his counterpart on the football field.

Fortunately, someone whisked the dog away just in time.

They do say to never work with animals, after all.


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