Science & Technology

Your medications might make it harder for you to beat the heat

The pills stocked inside your medicine cabinet may factor into how well you can handle summer heat. Extreme heat can…

Your face’s hot spots may reveal how well you are aging

Reading people’s faces can literally give you a hint of how they are feeling on the inside. Mapping the face’s…

A risk-tolerant immune system may enable house sparrows’ wanderlust

For animals exploring new territory, taking risks is key to survival. But eating unfamiliar foods can be dicey, since they…

Extraordinary heat waves have readers asking how A/C affects greenhouse gas emissions

An extraordinary heat wave last week toppled thousands of temperature records across Asia, from Iran to Japan. In Iran’s highlands,…

Why Japan issued its first-ever mega-earthquake alert

On August 8, the Japanese Meteorological Agency issued its first-ever “megaquake alert,” after a magnitude 7.1 earthquake rocked the Miyazaki…

Squall line tornadoes are sneaky, dangerous and difficult to forecast

Meteorologist Thea Sandmael watched the storm close in. It was near enough for her to spot a rotating dome of…

Zigzag walls could help buildings beat the heat

Here’s a twist: Adding zigzags to walls could help cool an overheated building, even as global temperatures rise. Researchers devised…

50 years ago, scientists blamed migraines on cheese and chocolate

Chocolate, cheese and migraines — Science News, August 10, 1974 A new study of migraine and food ingestion … is reported in…

Some meteors leave trails lasting up to an hour. Now we may know why

To leave a lasting trail, meteors need to aim low. A new survey of shooting stars shows that meteors that…

Earthquakes added to Pompeii’s death toll

In A.D. 79, a massive volcano in southern Italy suddenly, explosively awoke, leading to one of the ancient world’s deadliest…