Science & Technology

July 2023 nailed an unfortunate world record: hottest month ever recorded

Most humans felt the scorching touch of climate change in July. July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded, and…

The newfound Los Angeles thread millipede is ready for its close-up

Despite living in the entertainment capital of the world, the Los Angeles thread millipede has avoided the limelight. But when…

50 years ago, scientists thought they had found Earth’s oldest rocks

Oldest rocks— Science News, July 21, 1973 Until recently, Greenland possessed the oldest known rocks in the world. They date…

‘Blight’ warns that a future pandemic could start with a fungus

BlightEmily MonossonW.W. Norton & Co., $28.95 In the summer of 1904, American chestnut trees in the Bronx were in trouble.…

Playful behavior in rats is controlled by a specific area of their brains

Rats are extremely playful creatures. They love playing chase, and they literally jump for joy when tickled. Central to this…

Cow poop emits climate-warming methane. Adding red algae may help

Earth has a cow problem. Cow agriculture is one of the largest emitters of climate-warming methane to the atmosphere. But…

How geometry solves architectural problems for bees and wasps

Honeybees and yellow jackets don’t look much like mathematicians — for one thing, they’re smaller. But collectively, the insects can…

Voller Fokus auf die Frauen-WM: Mit diesen Google-Deals entgeht dir kein Siegestreffer mehr!

Bisher jedes Spiel der Frauenfußballweltmeisterschaft gesehen oder doch keine Zeit gehabt? Vielleicht fehlt es dir aber auch schlichtweg an Möglichkeiten,…

The oldest known horseback riding saddle was found in a grave in China

A woman buried more than 2,400 years ago in what’s now northwestern China has galloped into a scientific afterlife atop…

Rekordverdächtige Schnäppchenpreise für das Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 sowie Fold 5!

Seit Wochen können wir unsere Vorfreude auf die neuen Samsung-Foldables kaum noch im Zaum halten und womöglich geht es dir…