Science & Technology

Liebes Apple-Team, bitte tut das dem iPhone 15 nicht an!

Im Jahr 2023 sehe ich mich nun schon das aberdutzende Mal damit konfrontiert, dass eine weitere iPhone-Generation – und hierbei…

What to know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people

Editor’s note: On September 22, 2023, a U.S. Center for Disease Control advisory board recommended that an RSV vaccine, made…

An apology to Indigenous communities sparks a mental health rethink

Earlier this year, the leading psychological association in the United States apologized to the country’s Indigenous people and communities for…

Magic: The Gathering “Wildnis von Eldraine” wagt märchenhaften Exkurs – und wir werfen einen exklusiven Blick auf neue Karten!

Gleich mal vorweg: Ich bin längst nicht mehr der fanatische Magic-Fan von einst und irgendwo gegen Anfang der 2010er Jahre…

How artificial intelligence sharpens blurry thermal vision images

The fuzzy, ghostly figures typically seen in thermal images might become a thing of the past. By pairing artificial intelligence…

Emperor penguins lost thousands of chicks to melting ice last year

Thousands of emperor penguins in western Antarctica lost their chicks last year, largely due to receding sea ice, satellite data…

Heißes Wetter, heißere Angebote – Die Hardware-Deals von Acer passend zu den sommerlichen Gaming-Highlights in 2023!

Während sich in Köln noch immer alles um die neuesten Spiele-Neuerscheinungen der kommenden Wochen und Monate dreht, beschäftigen wir uns…

India’s successful moon landing follows recent failures by other countries

Space is hard, as the saying goes. As humans have endeavored to launch themselves and their machines beyond Earth, that…

Some leaves in tropical forests may be getting too hot for photosynthesis

Like people, leaves have their limits when it comes to heat. Scientists first reported in 1864 that the leaves of…

The Y chromosome’s genetic puzzle is finally complete

The human Y chromosome, responsible for determining male sex, finally has gotten an end-to-end examination. Researchers sequenced the chromosome, which…