Science & Technology

Here’s how high-speed diving kingfishers may avoid concussions

Genetic tweaks in kingfishers might help cushion the blow when the diving birds plunge beak first into the water to…

4 Gründe, warum ein Vollautomat für Kaffee-Genießer die goldrichtige Wahl ist

Ganz ohne jeden Zweifel zählt Kaffee nicht nur für unser Redaktionsteam, sondern für abertausende, sehr wahrscheinlich sogar Millionen Menschen da…

JWST spotted a new speedy jet stream in Jupiter’s atmosphere

New beauty shots of Jupiter, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, reveal a speedy jet stream encircling the equator…

In a Jedi-like feat, rats can move a digital object using just their brain

Like tiny, hairy Yodas raising X-wings from a swamp, rats can lift digital cubes and drop them near a target.…

Rock from the impact that formed the moon may linger in Earth’s mantle

About 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized object smashed into the young Earth, spraying debris that coalesced to form the…

Faking death lets some female frogs slip the mating grip of a male

Grab fast and hang on for hours. A fierce grip is all the courtship finesse a male frog needs in…

On some Australian islands, sea level rise may be helping mangroves thrive

Some mangrove forests off Australia have flourished in the last several decades, a new study reports. And, counterintuitively, rising sea…

Newfound fossil species of lamprey were flesh eaters

Found in roughly 160-million-year-old rocks in North China, the Yanliao Biota is a diverse array of beautifully preserved fossils, including…

Brain tissue may be fuel for marathon runners

In endurance athletes, some brain power may come from an unexpected source. Marathon runners appear to rely on myelin, the…

Salty sweat helps one desert plant stay hydrated

Sweat keeps some animals cool in scorching heat. Salty secretions also serve one desert shrub a refreshing sip of water. …