Science & Technology

In Sachen Gaming ordentlich sparen? Dann darfst du diese 5 frühzeitigen Black Friday-Deals keinesfalls verpassen!

Auch im Jahr 2023 lassen sich die Online-Händler rund um den Black Friday nicht lumpen! Und so dürfte es doch…

Light, not just heat, might spur water to evaporate

Green light means “go.” That might apply to evaporating water molecules too. Visible light, especially that of a greenish hue,…

How hummingbirds fly through spaces too narrow for their wings

Hummingbirds are natural acrobats, twisting their wings in ways that let them fly backward and upside down, unlike any other…

Grassland and shrubland fires destroy more U.S. homes than forest fires

Forest fires can devastate vast swaths of land, but in the United States, another category of conflagrations takes the title…

The last 12 months were the hottest on record

The last 12 months were the hottest in 150 years of recordkeeping — and probably in the last 125,000 years…

Head lice hitched a ride on humans to the Americas at least twice

Lice have been bugging humans for as long as our species has been around, and the insects’ genes record the…

50 years ago, the first probe to visit Mercury launched

Off to Mercury with a cold glance — Science News, November 10, 1973 Mercury ho! Mariner 10 is on its way. Venus…

A controversial room-temperature superconductor result has now been retracted 

A stunning claim of a room-temperature superconductor that grabbed headlines has fizzled. The paper was retracted November 7 from the journal Nature, making…

The mysterious deaths of dozens of Zimbabwe’s elephants has been solved

Three years ago, dozens of African elephants mysteriously died in Zimbabwe. Now scientists have confirmed their killer: a rare and…

The CDC is expanding its disease surveillance of international travelers

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expanding how it tracks diseases among international travelers, just in time…