Science & Technology

AMD macht seinen nächsten großen Schritt und spendiert Gaming-Laptops wie Windows 11 Handhelds bessere Akkulaufzeiten

AMD veröffentlichte jüngst einen neuen Grafiktreiber, der eine neue Energiesparoption einführt, die der Akkulaufzeit von Gaming-Laptops wie auch Handhelds (Stichwort:…

“Bitte beschuldigt uns nicht des Betrugs”, bitten die Entwickler von The Day Before, wo es sich doch ständig verzögert

Im Vorfeld zum Release der Early-Access-Version von “The Day Before” hat sich Entwickler Fntastic nun über soziale Medien einmal zu…

Wireless Connectivity: Das unsichtbare Rückgrat moderner Geräte

Wireless Connectivity hat sich als unverzichtbare Technologie etabliert, die das Fundament moderner Geräte bildet. Ihre Entwicklung hat eine Revolution in…

Landscape Explorer shows how much the American West has changed

With the click of a mouse, a new mapping tool shows how places in the American West have changed over…

These are Science News’ favorite books of 2023

Books introducing emerging areas of science, as well as new looks at familiar fields, were among the Science News staff’s…

A telescope dropped dark matter data from the edge of space. Here’s why

Doomsday came on May 25 for the payload of a pumpkin-shaped balloon at the edge of space. The floating gourd…

Electrical brain implants may help patients with severe brain injuries

For people with traumatic brain injuries, cognitive functions like memory, attention and mood regulation can become exceedingly difficult. But “there is…

Giant polygon rock patterns may be buried deep below Mars’ surface

Enormous polygon patterns in rock lie dozens of meters below Mars’ surface, ground-penetrating radar data suggest. Similar patterns develop on…

A mysterious ancient grave with a sword and mirror belonged to a woman

A roughly 2,000-year-old woman with a potentially violent streak has emerged from skeletal rubble found on an island off southwestern…

A new UN report lays out an ethical framework for climate engineering

The world is in a climate crisis — and in the waning days of what’s likely to be the world’s…