Science & Technology

Bundesnetzagentur erlaubt den Netzbetreibern Drosselungen – Was bedeutet das für Verbraucher

Schon seit einiger Zeit wird davor gewarnt, dass in Deutschland eine Stromlücke entstehen könnte, der Bedarf an Strom also größer…

COP28 is making headlines. Here’s why the focus on methane matters

This year’s United Nations’ annual climate summit, dubbed COP28, is making a lot of headlines — not something I would…

Generative AI grabbed headlines this year. Here’s why and what’s next

Ask ChatGPT “Why is the sky blue?” and seconds later, it will tell you: “The blue color of the sky…

How tiny red stars can test ideas about the origin of life

A survey of small, cool stars is helping to narrow in on the conditions that might set the stage for…

Enceladus is blanketed in a thick layer of snow

Saturn’s moon Enceladus is shrouded in a thick layer of snow. In some places, the downy stuff is 700 meters…

Spanish horses joined Indigenous South Americans’ societies long before Europeans came to stay

Hunter-gatherers in southernmost South America integrated horses with Spanish pedigrees into their societies around 400 years ago, long before Europeans…

The first CRISPR therapy approved in the U.S. will treat sickle cell disease

U.S. patients with sickle cell disease now have a novel treatment option: the first-ever CRISPR-based therapy. On December 8, the…

A maverick physicist is building a case for scrapping quantum gravity

A rift runs deep through the heart of physics. The general theory of relativity, which describes gravity, clashes with quantum…

50 years ago, astronomers challenged claims that Barnard’s star has a planet

No planet for Barnard’s star? — Science News, December 1, 1973 Over the years evidence has been brought forward for planetary companions…

Google Gemini ist das wohl bisher leistungsstärkste KI-Hirn von Google – und es dürfte maßgeblich die Art und Weise verändern, wie wir Google benutzen!

Google hat sein neues Gemini-Modell für künstliche Intelligenz angekündigt, ein KI-System, welches eine Vielzahl von Produkten des Unternehmens antreiben wird…