Science & Technology

Ocean heat waves often lurk out of sight

Heat waves don’t just strike on land — they can also occur in the ocean. And roughly a third of…

When do cats play fetch? When they feel like it 

In news that probably won’t surprise cat owners, cats that play fetch do it on their own terms. Fetching felines…

Here are some of the biggest medical advances in 2023

Weight-loss drugs stole much of the spotlight in 2023, but these medical advances treating other conditions are also worthy of…

A bar of stars at the center of the Milky Way looks surprisingly young

The biography of our home galaxy may be due for some revisions. That’s because a bar-shaped collection of stars at…

Here are 10 early-career scientists you should know about in 2023

How do we adapt to climate change? Can we fight back against Alzheimer’s disease? What will it take to build…

A new species of hedgehog stands out for its short spikes

Initially mistaken for one of its close relatives, a group of small, spiky mammals in eastern China has now been…

Why weight-loss drugs became more popular than ever this year

This year, celebrity gossip, a national shortage and eyebrow-raising clinical trials made household names of weight-loss and diabetes drugs like…

Why do some lizards and snakes have horns?

Horns aren’t just for rhinos and cattle. A fair number of snake and lizard species have heads adorned with spiky,…

A gene editing technique shows promise for lowering LDL cholesterol 

PHILADELPHIA ­— Ten patients enrolled in the experimental drug trial, and they were the sickest of the sick.  All had a…

Aus den Laboren auf jedes Hausdach: Die Geschichte der Photovoltaik

PV – zwei Buchstaben repräsentieren die Photovoltaik, die nicht nur für die Zukunft der globalen Stromversorgung stehen, sondern die mittlerweile…