Science & Technology

Conversations with Maya: Peter Jay Hotez

Maya Ajmera, President & CEO of the Society for Science and Executive Publisher of Science News, chatted with Peter Jay…

50 years ago, timekeepers deployed the newly invented leap second

Happy leap second! — Science News, January 12, 1974 A “leap second” has been invented … to keep time signals…

Astronomers have snapped a new photo of the black hole in galaxy M87

Heads up space fans: A new picture of the supermassive black hole lurking in the galaxy M87 just dropped. The…

Astronomers are puzzled over an enigmatic companion to a pulsar

Circling around a pulsar in our galaxy is a mysterious entity that is either a very heavy neutron star, one…

How disease-causing microbes load their tiny syringes to prep an attack

Swallow the wrong microbe, and you might end up in the hospital with a needle or two in your arm…

Here’s how tardigrades go into suspended animation

Researchers have discovered a molecular sensor that tells tardigrades it’s time to toughen up. The tiny eight-legged animals, also known…

A new exhibit invites you into the ‘Secret World of Elephants’

For millions of years, over a dozen species of proboscideans, the group that includes mammoths, mastodons and elephants, roamed landscapes…

Some mysteries remain about why dogs wag their tails

When it comes to tail wagging among dogs, some questions still hound researchers. We know that domesticated dogs (Canis familiaris)…

Artificial intelligence helped scientists create a new type of battery 

In the hunt for new materials, scientists have traditionally relied on tinkering in the lab, guided by intuition, with a…

A fiber inspired by polar bears traps heat as well as down feathers do

The Arctic’s extreme cold is no match for a polar bear’s super-insulating fur. Humans could one day benefit from a…