Science & Technology

A new battery starves cancer cells of oxygen in mice

It’s not great when a person sucks all the oxygen out of a room. When a battery does it to…

Capybaras thrive, even near humans, because they’re not picky eaters

Capybaras, the world’s largest rodent, naturally live in vast grasslands, wetlands and rivers throughout South America. Their name literally means…

The antiviral drug Paxlovid reduces the risk of getting long COVID

The antiviral medication Paxlovid seems to reduce the chance of developing long COVID, researchers report. In a large study of…

Native Americans corralled Spanish horses decades before Europeans arrived

Indigenous knowledge and Western science have written a new tale about when horses most recently arrived in North America. Spaniards…

Scientists triggered the flow of spinal fluid in the awake brain

Waves of cerebrospinal fluid which normally wash over brains during sleep can be made to pulse in the brains of…

T. rex may have had lips like a modern lizard’s

In movies and TV shows, Tyrannosaurus rex often sports a fleet of big, sharp teeth that are almost always on…

Stressed plants make ultrasonic clicking noises

Listen carefully, and a plant may tell you it’s thirsty. Dry tomato and tobacco plants emit distinct ultrasonic clicks, scientists…

Ostern 2023: Die 10 besten Ostergeschenke für Technik-Fans

Es wird Zeit, dass du schleunigst Ostergeschenke für deine Liebsten einkaufst, denn Ostern steht vor der Tür. Der Osterschlussverkauf mit…

50 years ago, air pollution was linked to more reports of animal bites

What pollution does to you — Science News, March 31, 1973 Scientists described the results of their attempts to correlate…

WWDC 2023: Apple-Event endlich festgesetzt – alle Infos im Überblick

Endlich ist es soweit: Der Termin für das nächste Apple-Event 2023 steht fest! Die Entwicklerkonferenz WWDC, die jedes Jahr in…