Science & Technology

A four-holed piece of ivory provides a glimpse into ancient rope-making

A mammoth ivory tool unearthed in central Europe has offered a peek at how teamwork enabled Stone Age folks to…

Bird flu viruses may pack tools that help them infect human cells

Bird flu viruses may pack a little taste of home to help them adapt to life in new hosts. Viruses…

A pivotal quantum theory holds up even in extreme electric fields 

To put one of physicists’ most important theories to the test, scientists go to extremes. Extremely strong electromagnetic fields, that…

Parrots can move along thin branches using ‘beakiation’

Parrots don’t just hang out for fun. To move along narrow branches, a parrot can hang from a branch with…

Insects flocking to artificial lights may not know which way is up

The insects flying in circles around your porch light aren’t captivated by the light. Instead, they may have lost track…

Geneticist Krystal Tsosie advocates for Indigenous data sovereignty

Krystal Tsosie grew up playing in the wide expanse of the Navajo Nation, scrambling up sandstone rocks and hiking in…

Under very rare conditions, Alzheimer’s disease may be transmitted

Under extremely rare circumstances, it appears that Alzheimer’s disease can be transmitted between people. Five people who received contaminated injections…

Here’s why COVID-19 isn’t seasonal so far

The pandemic may no longer be a public health emergency, but plenty of my neighbors, friends and family are still…

Cold, dry snaps accompanied three plagues that struck the Roman Empire

For those who enjoy pondering the Roman Empire’s rise and fall — you know who you are — consider the…

Handwriting may boost brain connections more than typing does

Writing out the same word again and again in cursive may bring back bad memories for some, but handwriting can…