Science & Technology

Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon might contain a hidden ocean

An uncanny resemblance to the Death Star might not be the only intriguing thing about Saturn’s moon Mimas. It could…

This weird fern is the first known plant that turns its dead leaves into new roots

To get by in the waterlogged, low-nutrient soil of the Quebrada Chorro forest in western Panama, a species of tree…

Where are U.S. earthquakes most likely? A new map shows the hazard risks

Some 230 million people in the United States face the potential of damaging earthquakes in 100 years, according to the…

A rare 3-D tree fossil may be the earliest glimpse at a forest understory

With its fluffed, spiraling top and thin trunk, the Sanfordiacaulis densifolia tree looks like it came straight out of Dr.…

An asteroid may have exploded over Antarctica about 2.5 million years ago

Around 2.5 million years ago, an asteroid may have exploded over Antarctica.  The evidence comes from a chemical analysis of…

The smallest known molecular knot is made of just 54 atoms

Imagine a knot so small that it can’t be seen with the naked eye. Then think even smaller. Chemists have…

Bacteria that can make humans sick could survive on Mars

Future interplanetary explorers beware: Hitchhiking bacteria brought to Mars on human bodies might not only survive the harsh conditions on…

50 years ago, trilobite eyes mesmerized scientists

Trilobite eyes: An impressive feat of early evolution— Science News, February 2, 1974 [Trilobites] possessed the most sophisticated eye lenses…

Explore the expected life spans of different dog breeds

For a dog, it’s good to be small and have a long nose. In the United Kingdom, breeds matching that…

‘Nuts and Bolts’ showcases the 7 building blocks of modern engineering

Nuts and BoltsRoma AgrawalW.W. Norton & Co., $29.99 What do you get when you pose a challenge, weave in a…