Science & Technology

How brain implants are treating depression

Electricity Saved My Brain This is the first part in a series on deep brain stimulation for depression. [Content warning:…

How drones are helping scientists find meteorites

Meteorites offer tantalizing clues about what the early solar system was like. But finding them is far from rocket science.…

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Preview offenbart Sephiroth als spielbaren Charakter und scharfzüngigen Weggefährten

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth hat das Flair eines modernen Triple-A-Blockbusters – das wird direkt in der ersten Preview-Session deutlich. Doch…

Interlocking logs may be evidence of the oldest known wooden structure

Modified logs dating to about 476,000 years ago might be the oldest evidence of wooden structures, a new study finds.…

50 years ago, the quest for superheavy elements was just getting started

Searching for superheavies — Science News, September 8, 1973 Physicists and chemists have been actively searching for superheavy elements, substances…

For the first time, researchers decoded the RNA of an extinct animal

For the first time, researchers have successfully extracted and decoded RNA from an extinct animal. The thylacine, also known as…

To form pink diamonds, build and destroy a supercontinent

The world’s largest source of natural diamonds — and of more than 90 percent of all natural pink diamonds found…

Clara Sousa-Silva seeks molecular signatures of life in alien atmospheres

Ask Clara Sousa-Silva about her research and she’ll be absolutely clear: Yes, she is looking for aliens. But she is…

A catalog of all human cells reveals a mathematical pattern

The human body is made up of a complex community of trillions of cells of diverse shapes and sizes, all…

iOS 17 ist ab heute verfügbar – und das sind die 7 neuen Funktionen, auf die ich mich am meisten freue

Auch ohne das von vielen ersehnte Upgrade auf das brandneue iPhone 15 gibt es doch noch so einiges, worauf sich…