Science & Technology

Das Xiaomi 14 mischt den Markt auf – und das mit dem Chipsatz, der auch im Samsung Galaxy S24 erwartet wird

Das Xiaomi 14 wurde jüngst angekündigt und gibt uns einen ersten Einblick in das, was wir von den großen Smartphone-Releases…

Sind Chromebooks wirklich besser als Windows-Laptops? 5 Gründe, die dafür sprechen

Die Diskussion um Chromebooks und ihre Performance gegenüber herkömmlichen Laptops mag vielleicht nicht so hitzig sein wie die legendären Mac-vs.-Windows-Debatten,…

How giant mirrors are made for what will be the world’s largest telescope

TUCSON — Hot and dry air, perfused with a scent reminiscent of a warmed hair straightener, stuffed a hangar-sized room…

Physicists get a first glimpse of the elusive isotope nitrogen-9

Researchers may have just spotted the elusive, ephemeral nucleus of nitrogen-9 for the first time. With seven protons and two…

At the foot of a melting glacier in Peru, llamas helped revitalize the land

When glaciers melt, they leave behind barren landscapes that can take decades to support plants and animals. But a new…

Marsquakes and meteorite hits show Mars has a dense liquid metal core

Mars has a heavy heart after all. The Red Planet has a dense core of liquid iron surrounded by a…

Surprisingly long-lived wild female chimps go through menopause

Female chimps living in an East African forest experience menopause and then survive years, even decades, after becoming biologically unable…

Human cancer cells might slurp up bacteria-killing viruses for energy

From our nose to our lungs to our guts, the human body is home to a diverse range of microorganisms.…

How quantum ‘squeezing’ will help LIGO detect more gravitational waves

Putting the squeeze on light improves gravitational wave observatories. An upgrade to one such observatory, LIGO, that comes from exploiting…

Pumping cold water into rivers could act as ‘air conditioning’ for fish

PITTSBURGH — Salmon may now have their own version of human air conditioning.   This past summer, hundreds of fish…