Science & Technology

Zeit für Draaamaaa! – Die Highlights auf Paramount+ im Mai

Bei den zahlreichen Streaming-Diensten können wir es dir nicht verübeln, wenn du bisher nicht die Zeit, das Geld oder die…

The U.S. COVID-19 public health emergency is ending. What does that mean?

In January 2020, the U.S. government declared COVID-19 a public health emergency. Now, with coronavirus cases and deaths on the…

Women who’ve had breast cancer can safely pause treatment for pregnancy

For women who’ve had breast cancer and would like to have a child, taking a break from a common treatment…

The FDA has approved the first-ever vaccine for RSV

Respiratory syncytial virus hospitalizes tens of thousands of people each year in the United States. Now there’s a powerful new…

Ancient human DNA was extracted from a 20,000-year-old deer tooth pendant

A new, nondestructive way to recover ancient DNA has shown its potential for illuminating Stone Age people’s lives. Genetic material…

Atemberaubende Windows 12 Konzeptidee offenbart, was Windows 11 bisher fehlt

Windows 11 altert munter vor sich hin und unterdessen sind einige Nutzer schon scharf auf das, was Windows 12 bringen…

For the first time, astrophysicists have caught a star eating a planet

A dusty belch is all that remains of a planet that was gobbled up by a star about 12,000 light-years…

A 2,200-year-old poop time capsule reveals secrets of the Andean condor

For over 2,000 years, Andean condors have been nesting — and pooping — in the same cliffside grotto high in…

Ultrasound allows a chemotherapy drug to enter the human brain

Cracking the code to brain cancer treatment might start with cracking the brain’s protective shield. Nearly impenetrable walls of jam-packed…

Dyson Zone: Die Luftfilter-Kopfhörer sind jetzt erhältlich

Es ist offiziell. Der britische Hersteller Dyson verkauft sein neuestes (und seltsamstes) Gadget: die Dyson Zone. Die Kombination aus Luftreinigungsmaske…