Science & Technology

American bullfrogs may be threatening a rare frog species in Brazil

American bullfrog DNA has turned up not far from the only known habitat of Pithecopus rusticus — a small, critically…

Not all cultures value happiness over other aspects of well-being

For the seventh year running, the Finns have taken the top spot as the world’s happiest people. That’s according to…

Human brains found at archaeological sites are surprisingly well-preserved

Early in her research, forensic anthropologist Alexandra Morton-Hayward came across a paper describing a 2,500-year-old brain preserved in a severed…

50 years ago, superconductors were warming up

Superconductors inch upward — Science News, March 16, 1974 Superconductivity, the property by which certain metals lose all their electrical…

Long COVID brain fog may be due to damaged blood vessels in the brain

Leakiness in the brain could explain the memory and concentration problems linked to long COVID.  In patients with brain fog, MRI…

Daddy longlegs look like they have two eyes. That doesn’t count the hidden ones

A species of daddy longlegs has been hiding four extra eyes. While the newfound peepers never fully develop, the vestigial…

Titan’s dark dunes could be made from comets

THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS — The dark dunes of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, could have fallen from space. More than enough…

Don’t use unsterilized tap water to rinse your sinuses. It may carry brain-eating amoebas

Nasal rinses can relieve sinus congestion. But using the wrong liquid can, in rare cases, give people infections with deadly…

Male dragonflies’ wax coats might protect them against a warming climate

Some male dragonflies have a waxy coat that keeps them cool while pursuing mates and may also help the insects…

Male mammals aren’t always bigger than females

The idea that male mammals tend to be larger than females has been scientific dogma since Darwin. Bigger bodies, the…