Science & Technology

Astronauts actually get stuck in space all the time

Imagine going on a weeklong business trip and not coming home until the following year. That may be the situation…

Why mpox is a global health emergency — again

For the second time, the World Health Organization has declared that mpox, formerly called monkeypox, is a global health emergency.…

A hunger protein reverses anorexia symptoms in mice

An appetite-stimulating protein can reverse anorexia in mice. Mice with lack of appetite and weight loss — symptoms similar to…

Stonehenge’s mysterious Altar Stone had roots in Scotland

Stonehenge had a hard Scottish heart, a new study suggests. The ancient site’s central stone, a large slab known as…

Scientists want to send endangered species’ cells to the moon

As more and more species near extinction, scientists have been collecting samples from animals, plants and other creatures and storing…

Nasty-tasting cane toads teach crocodiles a lifesaving lesson

All it takes is one miserable night after a bad dinner or drink to make humans avoid an ingredient for…

Your medications might make it harder for you to beat the heat

The pills stocked inside your medicine cabinet may factor into how well you can handle summer heat. Extreme heat can…

Your face’s hot spots may reveal how well you are aging

Reading people’s faces can literally give you a hint of how they are feeling on the inside. Mapping the face’s…

A risk-tolerant immune system may enable house sparrows’ wanderlust

For animals exploring new territory, taking risks is key to survival. But eating unfamiliar foods can be dicey, since they…

Extraordinary heat waves have readers asking how A/C affects greenhouse gas emissions

An extraordinary heat wave last week toppled thousands of temperature records across Asia, from Iran to Japan. In Iran’s highlands,…