Science & Technology

Warm water is sneaking underneath the Thwaites Glacier — and rapidly melting it

In Antarctica, the warm ocean is stealthily attacking a major glacier through a previously unknown route — undermining its foundation…

A built-in pocket protector keeps sawfish from ‘sword fighting’ in the womb

Smalltooth sawfish develop their signature, long, tooth-lined snout while still in the womb. The needle-sharp teeth are encased in a…

Scientists propose a hunt for never-before-seen ‘tauonium’ atoms 

Atoms are normally made of a nucleus and electrons. But scientists are proposing a hunt for a new variety of…

Privacy remains an issue with several women’s health apps

With millions of users globally, the women’s health app market is projected to cross $18 billion by 2031. Yet these…

Here’s how predictions of the sun’s corona during the 2024 eclipse fared

For most folks on Earth, the spectacular sight of the sun’s fiery corona can be witnessed only during a total…

Malnutrition’s effects on the body don’t end when food arrives

Denise Potvin, a nurse currently working in Rafah, a city in the south of Gaza, has been seeing something new…

Venus might be as volcanically active as Earth

Present-day volcanism on Venus might be far more pervasive than previously believed. A new analysis of decades-old data from NASA’s…

Forget moon walking. Scientists want to give moon running a try 

It was a dreary, drizzly day near Parma, Italy, when two scientists first took on the Wall of Death. An…

Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

ChatGPT and other AI tools are upending our digital lives, but our AI interactions are about to get physical. Humanoid…

Biological puzzles abound in an up-close look at a human brain

It’s a bit like seeing a world in a grain of sand. Except the view, in this case, is the…