Science & Technology

Some melanoma cancer cells may punch their way through the body

Imagine tiny fists punching their way through your body. For some cancer patients, this may be the reality. Melanoma cells…

In a seafloor surprise, metal-rich chunks may generate deep-sea oxygen

In an unexpected twist, metal-rich nodules found on the seafloor are generating oxygen, new research suggests. This meager but steady…

A planet needs to start with a lot of water to become like Earth

In planet formation, as in poker, you have to play the hand you’re dealt. If an Earthlike planet is the…

Can light spark superconductivity? A new study reignites debate

Brief blasts of light might make some materials into fleeting superconductors. A new study strengthens the case for this controversial…

How to stay healthy during the COVID-19 summertime surge

A summer wave of COVID-19 is rising. “There’s clearly a bump,” says William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at Vanderbilt…

Twisters asks if you can ‘tame’ a tornado. We have the answer

What does it take to tame a tornado? That’s the scientific conundrum swirling through the plot of the new weather…

Can bioluminescent ‘milky seas’ be predicted?

BURLINGTON, Vt. — For the first time, a researcher has found a “milky sea” without relying on happenstance. For centuries,…

This AI can predict ship-sinking ‘freak’ waves minutes in advance

Rogue waves are freakishly large ridges of water known for rising out of the blue to ambush hapless ships and…

The odds of developing long COVID dropped as the coronavirus evolved

As new varieties of the coronavirus took center stage during the COVID-19 pandemic, the odds of developing long COVID dropped.…

Psilocybin temporarily dissolves brain networks

Inside your skull, your brain hums along with its own unique pattern of activity, a neural fingerprint that’s yours and…