Art & Culture

Europol warns about criminal abuse of ChatGPT

Criminals are set to take advantage of artificial intelligence like ChatGPT to commit fraud and other cybercrimes, Europe’s policing agency…

UK’s honey fraud, explained

The European Commission has uncovered the contamination of honey packaged in the United Kingdom with cheap sugar syrup. The action…

‘Once-in-a-decade event’: Large asteroid to zoom between Earth and Moon

A large asteroid will safely zoom between Earth and the Moon, a once-in-a-decade event that will be used as a…

Silicon Valley titan: Intel co-founder Gordon Moore dies at 94

Gordon Moore, a pioneer in the microprocessor industry and a co-founder of Intel, which at one time was the world’s…

Explained: Australia’s Indigenous Voice referendum

The Australian government has released the wording of a referendum question that promises the nation’s Indigenous population a greater say…

How did bitcoin get its cryptocurrency mojo back?

Just months ago, all forms of cryptocurrency appeared to be going up in flames, with bitcoin plunging from almost $50,000…

World Water Day: Global water scarcity to double by 2050 – UNESCO

With a resolution accepted on December 22, 1992, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 of each year the…

Renewable energy grows by 9.6% in 2022 amid energy crisis

The world’s renewable energy capacity increased by 9.6 percent, or 295 gigawatts (GW) last year, amounting to a total of…

UN warns ‘vampiric’ water use leading to imminent global crisis

Humanity’s “lifeblood” — water — is increasingly at risk around the world due to “vampiric overconsumption and overdevelopment,” the UN…

Brazil ousts almost all illegal gold miners from Yanomami Indigenous region

Brazil has ousted almost all illegal gold miners from the Yanomami territory, its largest Indigenous reservation, and will remove miners…