Canadian Truckers Use Bitcoin Crowdfunding To Fuel Freedom Protest

Canadian Truckers Use Bitcoin Crowdfunding To Fuel Freedom Protest

HONK HONK! Canadian truckers have had enough and Bitcoin is here for them. The draconian mandates imposed on them by their government have simply gone too far, and people are taking a stand for freedom. 

The Canadian Freedom Convoy began on January 22nd. It consists of 50,000-80,000 truckers who drove from Vancouver to the nation’s capital of Ottawa in protest of their authoritarian government.

Along the way, the convoy managed to raise over 10 million Canadian dollars on GoFundMe. 

The organizers of the donation effort state, “We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive(…) funds will be spent to help cover the cost of fuel for our Truckers first and foremost, and will be used to assist with food and shelter if needed.”

However, according to GoFundMe, the fundraiser is currently “paused and under review” to ensure that it complies with their terms of service. 

The truckers arrived in Ottawa last Friday, January 28th, and have since been parked in the streets of the capital, unmoving until the mandates are dropped. 

But with their GoFundMe frozen, they can’t survive for long. Although truckers typically have enough supplies to last them weeks, it seems that a waiting game is now being played. How will these truckers continue their protest with no means of raising funds?

Bitcoin is censorship-resistant. No third party can step in to turn it off. And for that reason, it’s currently being used to fund the mandate protest.

On February 1st, a Twitter user named HonkHonk Hodl began organizing a bitcoin-donation effort.

Oh, hello. You can now donate to #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 with #Bitcoin and #LightningNetwork.

— HonkHonk Hodl (@HonkHonkHodl) February 1, 2022

Within a few minutes, donations began flowing in.

Working like a charm! Thanks to the first few people to drop us sats! Censorship resistant money FTW.

— HonkHonk Hodl (@HonkHonkHodl) February 1, 2022

The movement started picking up steam. Here are some comments from supporters:

Canadian Truckers Bitcoin Donation Greetings Description
Canadian Truckers Bitcoin Donation Greetings Description
Canadian Truckers Bitcoin Donation Greetings Description
Canadian Truckers Bitcoin Donation Greetings Description
Canadian Truckers Bitcoin Donation Greetings Description
Canadian Truckers Bitcoin Donation Greetings Description

Three days later, the Bitcoin community has raised over 77 million satoshis($30,000). Their current goal is 100 million sats, a whole bitcoin. 

Thanks for the support everyone. This has been building steam quicker than I expected.

— BTC Sessions ? (@BTCsessions) February 4, 2022

No one can shut off the flow of freedom-money!

Help out the courageous truckers by donating some sats here:


Donate to HonkHonk Hodl here


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