AI Crypto Soars: AiDoge Presale Attracts $1m in a Week as Meme-Generating Project Draws Investor Frenzy

AI Crypto Soars: AiDoge Presale Attracts $1m in a Week as Meme-Generating Project Draws Investor Frenzy

AI Crypto Soars: AiDoge Presale Attracts $1m in a Week as Meme-Generating Project Draws Investor Frenzy

Source / AiDoge 

Wednesday May 3rd 2023 – The AiDoge presale has raised $1 million inside of a week for its one-of-a-kind meme-generating artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Currently priced at $0.0000264 in Stage 2 of its fundraising, the $AI token – not to be confused with ArbDoge ($AIDOGE) – is garnering snowballing interest, combining as it does the twin trends of meme coins and AI. 

Stage 2 ends in six days, but with only $300,000 left to raise before the next price step in Stage 3, the present stage will sell out well before then.   

To be sure of taking ownership of the tokens at the lowest possible price, investors will need to move fast as all the Stage 2 tokens could be gone in the next few hours.

Artificial intelligence and consumer-facing chatbots that can create anything from websites to poems in response to human input such as text prompts, is already transforming how we work. 

AiDoge is on the threshold of delivering a new category of internet tools – meme generators

With so many AI crypto token projects flooding the market, conducting rigorous due diligence is just as important as being first to spot an opportunity.

If you are looking for an original idea that makes novel use of AI to create a product internet users will love, AiDoge is the project that deserves your interest and investment.

With crypto investors pouring into the AI sector, it is no surprise to find analysts predicting utility-rich AI coins such as AiDoge will be at the top of the pile.

As the utility token of AiDoge, $AI tokens must be used to purchase credits in order to generate memes. In addition staking will earn holders daily credit rewards and other benefits. These two functions underpin the value of the token. 

But the $AI token’s value will be further buttressed by various incentivization methods to encourage participation in the network to create popular content

Human ingenuity being what it is, people will find weird and wonderful ways to unleash the creative powers of AiDoge. Because there is no other AI crypto doing what AiDoge does, buyers are jumping in with both feet.

AiDoge presale has 20 stages but that shouldn’t be taken as a signal to procrastinate. On the contrary, prospective buyers need to expedite their research to grab this presale of the year with both hands.

AiDoge to power the future of meme generation

We have heard much about how AI threatens to wipe out huge areas of employment, with AI replacing humans. 

However AiDoge is about leveraging AI to make us more productive in one of the great communication vectors of our times – internet memes. empowers its users to create internet memes simply by entering a text prompt describing the parameters of what it is they wish to create.

So you want a meme that pokes fun at employers who refuse to let their staff work from home – try this prompt:

“Create a meme to poke fun at a generic company that refuses to let its staff work from home, by drawing a dinosaur in a cartoon style with a caption that references how these sorts of employers will become extinct unless they change with the times and introduce more flexibility regarding their working practices.”

Of course the prompt could be shorter or part of a ‘conversation’ with AiDoge in which you feed it a series of prompts to refine what it generates.

Missed Pepe price pump? Don’t miss the AiDoge presale

Memes are an important and growing part of how we visually communicate in the digital age and AiDoge is placing itself at the center of this growing engagement paradigm.

Investors buying $AI now in Stage 2 will be in line for a 28% profit at the end of the presale, but the returns once trading begins and the product rollout begins are likely to be astronomic. 

If you missed the price explosion around the likes of Wojak, Pepe and ArbDoge, then you are in luck because AiDoge has everything going for it to be the next opportunity for stellar returns in which 100x could be a conservative estimate for return on investment. 

As with all new technology, just as important as the invention itself is the vision to see how it can be applied in transformative ways. 

The team behind AI has been involved with other successful meme coins and has the tech know-how to execute on its vision.

AI is opening up a vista of rapid iteration and crypto is a part of that as the TurboToadToken ($TURBO) has shown – $TURBO claims to be the first token created by ChatGPT (GPT4). 

But the downside of rapid product token creation by AI is the lack of real utility and robustness. 

In the case of TURBO its creator put out a call on Twitter for someone to audit the smart contract code – not the most professional approach and one that could endanger users of the tokens.

To avoid those security issues or the problem of investing in a product that has no utility or staying power, AiDoge should be No.1 on your AI crypto buy list, backed as it is by a team with strong crypto expertise.

AiDoge is using AI in new ways that will lead to an explosion of creativity 

AiDoge is harnessing AI generative image technology of the kind that powers DALL-e and Midjourney. 

However, in the case of AiDoge, the large language model (LLM) is being trained on images and text, namely enormous datasets of memes and crypto news. uses the generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) language model. Such models are trained using machine learning. 

AiDoge is being trained via the consumption of vast amounts of data to ensure the generation of high-quality and up-to-date memes created from user text prompts.

GPT is based on a neural network – a technology that seeks to mimic the ‘architecture’ of human brains. Suffice to say, the system becomes more powerful the greater the number of system prompts it receives and ‘learns’ from.

It means AiDoge will become better and better the more it is used. This process of refinement means AiDoge will generate relevant memes that will continually improve as it learns to be on trend or even ahead of trend. over time gets better at working out what memes are statistically and probabilistically most likely to be popular or exhibit viral qualities.  

AiDoge’s public wall feed of memes will turbo-charge adoption

AiDoge is aiming for mass market adoption and so the product experience will be extremely user friendly. 

To realize that goal, and as a key part of the design to incentivize activity on the platform, AiDoge features a public wall feed of all generated memes. Here, everyone will be able to vote for the memes they think are the best. 

Outstanding memes, as voted for by the community, will gain the most visibility and earn $AI token rewards.

Also, top-ranking meme creators and other users will be able to gain exclusive access to premium features too and even be granted voting rights as part of AiDoge’s governance.

AiDoge provides staking rewards and premium features involving daily credit rewards depending on how much is staked.

Each month those with the highest-scoring memes receive their token rewards and the leaderboard is then reset anew, so that all community members have a chance to win every month.

As the AiDoge platform grows, the more reward-earning potential there is for meme creators, providing a consistent income stream.

The team at AiDoge believes the public wall feed will help to amplify meme virality by enabling ideas to spread in a frictionless way. Less friction translates into greater chances of adoption success for the project and will help AiDoge ($AI) to stand out from the crowd…

Blockchain-secured AI will be a profit-making machine

Because AiDoge runs on a decentralized network it means there is no single point of failure, making it a super secure platform for users to interact with.

AiDoge’s blockchain system works with smart contracts that have been fully audited by Certik – the results of which will be available soon.

Users of the network who deposit $AI when staking can rest assured that the smart contract is not in danger of being drained by bad actors discovering exploitable bugs in the code.

Investing in $AI today is your chance to join the biggest investment theme of this century as artificial intelligence transforms industries and the way we communicate, work and play.

Memes may seem trivial, but are in fact a key way in which we engage and transmit ideas in our digital spaces. Revolutionizing how those memes are created at a qualitative and quantitative level is a valuable business. 

AiDoge is the only vendor of meme generators in crypto or anywhere else – and you have the chance to be in on the ground floor of a profit-making machine.

Buy AI Here


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