Trump Launches and Sells Out Second NFT Series Depicting Himself as George Washington, King of Hearts

Trump Launches and Sells Out Second NFT Series Depicting Himself as George Washington, King of Hearts

Trump Launches and Sells Out Second NFT Series Depicting Himself as George Washington, King of Hearts


Former US President Donald Trump, who has been indicted, announced the successful sale of his latest collection of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Tuesday. 

This new collection portrays Trump in various personas, such as a historical figure, a youthful patriot, a king, and a world leader.

Trump shared the news of his latest venture on social media, stating, “I am pleased to inform you that, due to the great success of my previously launched DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we are doing it again, SERIES 2, AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW.” 

According to Trump, the series sold out “in record time,” raising an estimated $4.6 million.

The trading cards were available for $99 – like his previous collection, each card had “a unique pre-assigned rarity,” some would be one-of-ones and others would be limited, while there would be no more than ten copies of any one card. 

Payment options included credit card, Ethereum (ETH), and wrapped Ethereum (WETH).

In Series 1, released in December 2022, 45,000 Trump Digital Trading Cards were minted, with 44,000 made available for sale.

In Series 2, 47,000 cards were minted, with 46,000 available for sale.

The cards portrayed Trump as an array of characters, such as George Washington in Emanuel Leutze’s painting ‘Washington Crossing the Delaware’, a muscular hunter, the king of hearts, an explorer, a biker, and a rock star. 

Additionally, he was depicted as an American patriot and a golden king chess figure, grasping the world in one hand and the American flag in the other.


Notably, the sale included an offer of a ticket to dinner with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, USA, for those who bought 47 cards. 

Those who purchased 100 cards, would get one ticket for the dinner and a bonus one-of-one trading card, the website claims.

Trump Digital Trading Cards are minted on the Polygon blockchain. 

On each secondary sale of a card, there is a 10% royalty on the sale price paid back to the creator, says the website.

Following this last collection selling out, Trump complained that he was getting no “nice guy” credit, even though he could’ve charged a lot more for the NFTs, saying: 

“I hope everyone notices, & I’m sure the Fake News won’t, that I’m leaving the price of the Trading Cards the same as last time, even though they are selling for MANY TIMES MORE (It’s called the MARKET!), & sold out almost immediately, because I want my fans & supporters to make money, & have fun doing it. I could have raised the price MUCH HIGHER, & I believe it still would have sold well, with a lot more money coming to me, but I didn’t choose to do so. I WILL BE GIVEN NO “NICE GUY” CREDIT?”

Per the FAQ, none of the money earned from the collection is going to Trump’s campaign for US President. “Digital Trading Cards are not political and have nothing to do with any political campaign,” it claims. 

The enterprise providing these NFTs asserts that it operates independently, without ownership, management, or control by Trump, his company, or any associated entities. 

They maintain that Trump receives compensation through a licensing agreement for the utilization of his name and likeness.

According to a financial disclosure report that Trump filed last week, CIC Digital LLC, the Trump entity that sold the first series of NFTs, made $500,000 to $1 million on that collection.

As reported, in December last year, Trump released the first NFTs that portrayed him in various guises, including a superhero, an astronaut, and a cowboy.  

The collection was heavily criticized over its poor quality and editing and use of stock images, among other things. 

Per Crypto Slam, sales of Trump’s first series have jumped from just below $38,000 on April 18 to $382,365 on April 19. 


Earlier in April, this collection saw a spike in price following the news that a grand jury in Manhattan, USA, had voted to indict Trump on criminal charges.


Learn more:

– New Filing Reveals Trump Earned Up to $1 Million from NFT Sales – Here’s What You Need to Know
–  After Manhattan Indictment, Trump’s NFT Trading Cards See Sharp Rise in Value – Here’s Why

– Defeated Donald Trump-themed NFT Sells for USD 6.6 Million
– You Can Now Buy These NFTs for Less Than $25 to Get A Zoom Call With Donald Trump

– A Beginner’s Guide to NFTs: What You Should Know
– How to Create an NFT?


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