Steve Wozniak: Bitcoin is a Miracle of Mathematics

Steve Wozniak: Bitcoin is a Miracle of Mathematics

Steve Wozniak bitcoin enthusiast

Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak talked about Bitcoin in a recent interview with Business Insider. He observed that many cryptocurrencies are untrustworthy and have a track record of being rip-offs. People generally are not aware of the potential for scams, thinking that each new currency might be the next bitcoin and make them a fortune.

Scammers take advantage of this. Many people fall for the get-rich-quick scams that abound in the crypto space and people often buy cryptocurrencies simply because they are blinded by the potential windfalls. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is solid and reliable in the long term. Bitcoin doesn’t need celebrity endorsement, real or fake!

“There are so many cryptocurrencies that come out now. Everybody has a way to create a new one, and you have a celebrity star with it. It seems like they’re just collecting a bunch of money from people who want to invest at the very earliest stage when it’s worth pennies.”

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak

He’s been a consistent Bitcoin advocate too. At the Talent Land Jalisco 2021 event, he said that Bitcoin was better than gold because of its verifiable digital scarcity. “Gold is limited and you have to look for it; Bitcoin is the most amazing mathematical miracle”.

Wozniak launched his own cryptocurrency called Efforce (CRYPTO: WOZX) in December 2020. Just before that he had unsuccessfully sued Youtube and Google for promoting bitcoin giveaway scams using his name and likeness. He should have sued the original posters of the scams, but I guess they wouldn’t have any visible money!

But Government Can Be A Problem

He’s also warned that bitcoin could be threatened by governments who will seek to control it, though they cannot, technically.

“The trouble is governments will never allow it to be out of their control. If it got to the point where everything is being done in crypto and didn’t pass through governments for observation and taxation and all that, governments would just disallow it. They wouldn’t give up their power,”

In reality, it is not their power, but ours. Bitcoin just makes it easier for us to stop them from taking it. Government money exists to serve the government. Bitcoin exists to serve us.


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