Titan Starter Kit Review – Safe Backup with Titanium Grade 5 Steel

Titan Starter Kit Review – Safe Backup with Titanium Grade 5 Steel

Backing up your Bitcoin seedphrase is the most critical step when it comes to protecting generational wealth.

There are thousands of different methods, materials and concepts to protect and backup your seedwords. Today we will look at the Titan Starter Kit offered by the young startup PlebStyle. A steel backup product manufactured by a German solo-preneur based out of Karlsruhe.

Table of Contents

Titan Starter Kit Introduction

The Titan promises maximum security while keeping the product affordable. The capsule alone starts at 40 Eur, if you also need the stamping set, the set costs 80 Eur.

The first thing that you will notice is the weight of the box. The reason for that is not what you might suspect the weight of hammer and tooling. The heaviest part of the set is a steel plate, about 4 by 4 inch in size. This steel plate makes the stamping safe and efficient but also adds about one Kg of weight to the set.

Titan Starter Kit

The Titan Starter Kit comes in a black glossy box with the logo imprinted on the top. After opening you see orange wrapping paper and a lot of filler materials. This gives a the impression of a self-made product you would purchase on a craftmarket or bazar.

The Titan Starer Kit consists of the following items:
1x Titan Wallet (Outer Housing, Inner Housing)
1x Organic plastic bag with titanium thread rod
1x Organic plastic bag with 30 steel discs
1x Organic plastic bag with stickers
1x Thread Seal Tape
1x Striking pad
1x Punching aid
1x Punch numbers and letters

In order to backup your seed, you place the heavy striking pad on a table or floor. Then you use the special stickers to fixate a steel disc on the plate. With the special tool included in the set you can then stamp the first four letters of your seedword. The sticker will keep the disc in place and show you rulers to help you find the right position.

Once you’ve checked that all discs are correct, you’ll slide each disk onto the titanium thread rod and insert them into the capsule. Seal with the seal tape and your backup is done.

Who is behind the Titan Starter Kit?

Founder and CEO Jonathan discovered Bitcoin in 2021. He suddenly realized that he had been looking for it his whole life – but hadn’t been aware of it. He then jumped headfirst into the Rabbit Hole soaking up all the knowledge he can find on the subject of Bitcoin: Books, podcast, videos etc..

Founding his company Plebstyle in January 2023 was the next logical step. Even before founding, he designed a backup solution for himself and friends, following the ideology “Don’t Trust, Verify”. When it comes to code, this ideology is a given. But when it comes to backup solution materials, the decision is based on trusting what manufacturers say.

Since graduating as a mechanical engineer in 2009, Jonathan has worked in the metalworking industry, most recently serving as global head of IT and digitalization. He brings his knowledge and experience to Plebstyle. Ultimately, the self-imposed mission is to bring Bitcoin closer to people and spread the ideology behind it to create a better world for future generations.

Jonathan finds it important to consider keeping waste materials at a minimum and his packaging design doesn’t require custom made foams or plastic. With his background in the metalworking industry, Jonathan is a true expert and has invested thousands of hours of research into the product and materials.

When it comes to the scientific analysis of the stress resistance, Jonathan knows his numbers by heart. Using Titanium grade 5 steel, parts of the Titan are made out of the most resistant metal. The choice hasn’t been made arbitrarily. To understand the reasoning and considerations behind it, we first need to understand the basics of metal stress resistance.

Metal Stress Resistance

Rp — The Yield Strength

The Stress-Strain-Diagram illustrates the relationship between strain (ε) and stress (σ) for a given material.

Rp, commonly referred to as the Yield Strength, denotes the moment when plastic deformation initiates. Consequently, Rp represents the stress (force per unit area) required to cause permanent deformation in the material, therefore resulting in irreversible destruction.

Rp serves as a measure of the material’s capacity to endure stress without incurring permanent deformation. A higher Rp value indicates superior resistance to deformation and greater strength.

It is crucial to avoid permanent deformation in your steel wallets to ensure its structural integrity.

Stress-strain diagram of metals — Source
Elastic vs Plastic deformation diagram — Source

“Rp0.2” — The Central Material Characteristic

In materials science, Rp0.2 is a widely used standard value and is readily available for almost all materials.

Rp0.2 is the stress that causes 0.2% plastic deformation in the metal. So to obtain Rp0.2, the stress has to be measured at a specific point on the stress-strain curve, safe to say almost at the start of the plastic (irreversible) deformation.

Rp0.2 is preferred over Rp as it is relatively simpler to determine, making it a commonly used reference value in scientific analysis.

Rp0.2 diagram — Source

Structure And Material Analysis — Titanium

Titan Starter Kit Wallet provides a type of metallic wallet made of Titanium.

The seed’s safety is a top priority, which is why the design consists of two parts: an outer and inner housing, carefully selected with specific materials to ensure optimal protection.

For enhanced safeguarding, the base body and seed discs are crafted from AISI 316Ti (Titanium Alloy Stainless Steel, 1.4571).

The inner housing serves as an additional robust shield, constructed entirely from titanium grade 5 (3.7165).

Many steel wallets and backup solutions boast vague marketing claims like “finest stainless steel” or “high-quality titanium.” However, they often conceal the actual materials used or fail to disclose them altogether.

Unfortunately, such claims may be based on standard AISI 304 (1.4301) stainless steel or Grade 2 (3.7035) titanium, which are weaker options. In contrast, our titanium Grade 5 selection offers much greater resilience—approximately four times stronger than AISI 304, 316, or 316Ti stainless steels. This ensures formidable protection for your seed, even beyond what ordinary products can provide.


Fire And Heat Resistance

316Ti stainless steel is a specialized alloy designed to retain its strength even at elevated temperatures, achieved through the presence of titanium carbides.

Regrettably, the majority of steel wallets and backup solutions on the market are made from the less robust 304 stainless steel. While this material offers excellent properties with additives like aluminum and vanadium, it pales in comparison to 316Ti.

Although Titanium Grade 2 is a more cost-effective option, it’s best not to compromise on quality and only use the superior Titanium Grade 5 for a backup that could save your finances in case of a disaster.

It’s noteworthy to add that Titanium Grade 5 was initially developed for aerospace applications, showcasing its exceptional performance and reliability.

Corrosion Resistance

Titanium demonstrates outstanding resistance to corrosion and acids, making it a standout among materials that can withstand seawater exposure.

AISI 304 is generally suitable for standard use; however, it does have vulnerabilities to chlorides and acids, making it less suitable for saline environments.

In contrast, Steels 316 and 316Ti exhibit reduced sensitivity to these corrosive elements. They even boast resistance to sulfuric acid (1%), making them highly reliable in challenging conditions.

Titan Starter Kit Conclusion

Overall the Titan Starter Kit is a great product for everyone who wants a bulletproof way of storing bitcoin backup words.

It’s designed to withstand the most extreme conditions and forces. The designer The manufacturer guarantees that you will receive a new product in case your product gets destroyed in a fire or other ways.

Starting from 80 EUR, the Kit has indeed competitive pricing compared to other kits.

When it comes to safeguarding your seed phrase, the Titan Starter Kit promises the maximum possible security within a reasonable budget. While Titanium Grade 5 might come with a higher cost, it is the bulletproof “better safe than sorry” option.

With the Titan Starter Kit made by Pleb Style you can rest assured your backup will survive any fire and impact of force. Investing high quality materials is entirely justified, considering that the primary objective is to ensure the preservation of your financial sovereignty in the face of potential disasters.


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